Saturday, August 05, 2006

Saturday Talk

There's a new, unique American voice speaking out in Georgia. On Saturday, August 5th the Atlanta Journal Constitution published a letter to the editor. The online edition cites the author but doesn't include the letter!!!! though the paper does give the piece prominent play in the print edition.

With the author's permission I've taken the liberty of posting a draft here.

Get Out and Vote or Don't Complain

This is the first year I can vote, I became a US citizen in April of 2006. For all of you who did not vote in the primary, who can't make time for the run-offs and will not show up in the general election, do not complain.

I have talked to people who refuse to register to vote because they do not want to be called up for jury duty, because they do not have the time, because... just fill in the blanks. People are forgetting that many have fought, many have died to insure that we have a voice and a chance to make a difference.

Yes, we need to see improvements in the actual voting process, we need to have paper certified trails to ensure our vote is really counted, we need to have shorter lines in certain precincts, etc. But the only way to achieve this is by electing people to office who will not only speak loudly, but who will get things done.

We have a country in distress, we have soldiers who will never come home, we have a health care crisis, we are almost rock bottom in education in this country and the list goes on.

What are you going to do about it?

Andrea G
An American in Georgia

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