Thursday, August 03, 2006

They Know What They Like

It's ten o'clock and time for Ned Lamont,
While the sun beats down and the temperatures sore,
We can always read their talk.

There's always been Maura:
"Every volunteer hour we put in is a tangible difference between victory and defeat."
And then Ms. Hamsher:
"They need volunteers really badly to come to Connecticut this weekend to work on the campaign. "
On the back of the pickup, two little lovebirds - Ouch to you!
Keep them postings sharp ....

They know what they like, and they like what they know;
getting better with their phone calls, reaching friends and families alike.

Tuesday night, Mr. Tim wrote
"Listen folks, you're wasting time; there's a primary to win, let's stay on the issues. Come up to town!"
But I remembered a voice from the youth;
"Ned is proud of Connecticut Civil Unions and how proud he will be when Connecticut is first in the country with full marriage equality."
Keep them postings sharp ....

I listened to the song by Genesis and just could not get it out of my head.

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