Saturday, July 22, 2006

We met such lovely people

At the Firedoglake shindig at the Owengo Inn in Branford on Thursday Evening. The talk of the evening was about Pres. Clinton coming out to campaign for Leaverman, but it did not stop everyone from having a good time. I really admire all the people that I met. They are working so hard, with some actually putting their personal life on hold to come and support Ned Lamont. Unfortunately the Kiss float could not make it last night, seems it got a little soggy when it was caught in a rain storm. I hope you enjoy just a couple of the many pictures I took.

Here is Pam, my co-polit wearing her "The Kiss" and "Ned Lamont"

Connecticut Bob with his Sunflower (sorry about the flash) and
if you have the chance go over to his blog, he has a wealth of information.

Pam, me and Tim

Jane and me

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