Mildred is voting for John Hall

I had a walking list for a development. Let me tell you I met some very good people. These people do not have very much and live in subsidized housing. One woman by the name of Mildred was sitting out on her lawn chair and as I approached her she smiled. I explained what I was doing and asked if she would sign the petition. Mildred said she sure would if we promised to get the idiots out of the White House when John Hall is elected to Congress.
She spoke of her troubles with medicare and how she was unable to get the proper medical treatment. I spent 15 minutes with her. My heart went out her, as with so many people who were are without the proper healthcare.
Another gentleman by the name of Walter spoke of his service in WWII as a Marine and how disgusted he was with the way this country is running. He was a little more verbal about removing the idiot in the White House. He said he wanted his country back. Again I spent a lot of time with him. People really are quite upset with this country and we urged them to please come out vote. Their vote is essential. I may have spent too much time talking to the people on my list, but I thought it was important that I did, to let them know that there is man by the name of John Hall who cares about them and will work very hard in Congress to help them.
If you have an opportunity to carry petitions for a candidate running in your community, I recommend you join. There is nothing more rewarding than meeting people and informing them of a candidate that wants to change the direction of this country and help the good people of the United States.
Now I need to go find out how Ned Lamont did in his debate.
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