Monday, July 24, 2006

Maurice Hinchey endorses John Hall

At 11 am today the John Hall for Congress Campaign held a press conference in which Maurice Hinchey put his full support and endorsement behind John Hall. Congressman Hinchey spoke of the "importance of stopping the lies that are coming out this Administration and also the ways that our goverment is acting that are directly contrary to the interest of the people. He stated that the Administration is engaged in an illegal and unwarranted spying program which impedes the First Amendment of the Constitution and the Fourth Amendment." He asked what the present Republican controlled Congress has done. NOTHING.

Maurice said that John worked side by side with him on environmental issues in the Hudson Valley such as the Hudson River Valley Greenway Act, which Mr. Hinchey authored.

When it came to the environment, protecting people and doing things that were positive and strong throughout this region, John Hall was there.

The most important thing that we can do right now is to elect strong candidates who will stand up for the basic principles of our country. Congressman Hinchey stated that John Hall will stand up visible, strongly, articulately and intelligently and with great integrity for the interests of the American people. He said that he knew of no one who would do a better job than John Hall.

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