Saturday, September 09, 2006

Its A Long Shot To Hope For...

ABC may pull it's revision of history, the docudrama called "Path To 9/11", but don't hold your breath! I just learned last night that bush almighty loves it so much he's asked for twenty minutes of airtime in the middle of it. Gee I wonder what that might be about...

Regardless, the Democrats are to be commended for their pressure on the neo-con LIARS and their media which will effect at least some changes in the presentation. I suspect the defamatory segments will at least be either re-written or scrapped. There's one thing we can be sure of though. If it does air- and I'm thinking it will at this late point in time, it will reach plenty of uninformed people and help the Republicans in November. I just hope the majority of people who watch it are also people who have heard or seen the controversy surrounding it because those are the only ones who will see it for what it is.

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