Here's what has been all over my local news today. Lamont Manager has been lambasted for insulting the people of Waterbury. Uh, okay. Now, I heard when Tom Swan made that comment. I KNEW exactly the people he was referring to (it doesn't take a rocket scientist). But the media MUST spin as they do.
WATERBURY, Conn. -- Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate Ned Lamont said he does not plan to fire his campaign manager, who came under fire last week for calling Waterbury a place where "the forces of slime meet the forces of evil."
THIS is what the media is focusing on. But here is the real deal.
He [Swan]said the comment was made to a reporter on Tuesday, after the city voted heavily for Lieberman in the Democratic Senate primary. The comments, he said, were made in the context of a broader discussion of state politics in which former Mayor Philip A. Giordano was the "slime" and former Gov. John G. Rowland, a Waterbury native, was the "evil."
Giordano has been in the pokey for a few years now. He was convicted of (well, I don't know the formal charges, but I'll give the gist) sexually abusing young girls in his office. Their loving [sic] auntie prostituted them to Giordano for drug money. Pretty slimey, no? And Rowland is also in the pokey for taking bribes in exchange for granting contract bids. Let's not forget he was in bed with Enron, and he screwed us taxpayers of MILLIONS of dollars. Finally, Waterbury is still known as a mafia machine in CT.
Should Swan be fired for damage control (a la Joe Trippi) on Ned's behalf? I don't know. It depends on what the pugs do with this. I'm thinking they may not do much, in light of the fact that they really BLEW it on the Lamont hacking BS. Full article here: wvit
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On another note, our mayor stopped by today. He's canvassing as he is running for State Representative. He's a great guy. Matthew used to run the camera and field calls on the monthly "Mayor's Corner" show we have here locally. The mayor told Ken that he has received numerous calls members of Malloy's staff -- who sang great praises about Matthew and his dedication. Yippee! It does a mom proud :-)
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Finally, some uplifting (sort of) news on my MIL. For two days this week, she was sleeping almost constantly; was SEVERELY dehydrated; and disoriented. It was quite scarey. My SIL (an RN of questionable qualifications in this area) and I discussed it when I was over on Thursday. We both had a sense death would be within a week. Oh, we were wrong. Ken had told me my MIL was better yesterday, but I didn't believe him (denial and all that). But I made stuffed shells, garlic bread and a nice lemon bundt cake. We brought all of it over for dinner. Much to my pleasure, my MIL was not sleeping alot. She was coherent. She ate like a trooper and was so appreciative that we could share the meal together. And I got a bonus because Ken was supposed to stay the night (again). But his brother said he'd stay since his wife and kids are down at the shore overnight.
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