"America's Tuning Fork"
About a month ago Pete Seeger did a fundraiser with John Hall here in New York. Pete Seeger resides in Beacon, within the district where John Hall is running for Congress. I did not have the opportunity to attend the event with Pete Seeger, however I was fortunate to attend one later that evening with Jackson Browne. I wanted to share a letter I got from Pete Seeger with you. I think the letter speaks for itself.
Dear Friend,
Music has always had the ability to comfort and inspire. From Woody Guthrie's "This Land is Your Land" to Freda Payne's "Bring the Boys Home," songs have delivered the message of the American people. John Hall's anthem, "Power," is such a song. Speaking in melodic phrases about solar energy, biofuels, wind power, and other renewable sources, John's song addressed the urgent need for renewable energy sources - 27 years ago.
Now we have a chance to bring John Hall to the United States Congress in New York's 19th District.
John doesn't just write songs. He helped organize the No Nukes Concerts decades ago and raised over a million dollars for safe energy and conservation; he's held elected office in upstate New York, and served on the board of Clearwater working to protect the Hudson River.If you want a proven environmentalist, union member, independent thinker, dedicated worker and determined leader in the US Congress, please contribute as generously as you can right now.
June 30 is the end of the second quarter of the Federal Election Filing period when PACs, environmental groups, and Democratic leaders judge the financial strength of a campaign.
If everyone getting this email just sent $10 to www.johnhallforcongress.org we could raise a million dollars from this appeal alone. And, John will need it to compete for TV time with a six-term incumbent who has received huge donations from the oil, pharmaceutical, and insurance industries.
Let's take our county back, restore checks and balances, and put a proven leader in Congress. Please join me in supporting my friend, John Hall.
Yours in peace and solidarity,
Pete Seeger

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