I had the pleasure of attending a fundraiser for John Hall tonight. John is running in the 19th Congressional District in New York. He is hoping to unseat a 6 term republican by the name of Sue Kelly, basically your rubber stamp republican. John Hall is formerly from the group Orleans.
"It's time to clean house and give the people of the district a real voice in Congress. I will stand up for clean elections. I will fight for campaign finance reform. I will fight to reform lobbying laws. As usual Sue is missing in action on these issues."

John spoke briefly about the serious issues that are facing our district, state and country. He said that he would make sure that he represented the people when voting in Congress. Being that this district has not had any type of representation in Congress other than Sue rubbing elbows with Tom DeLay. Sue already has accepted and refused to return over $12,000 from Delay. She has voted with him 90% of the time. She even voted to change the House rules so Delay would not have to resign if indicted.
John is not the only candidate running on the Democratic ticket. There is also a woman named Judy Adyelott who until recently was a Republican. She contributed to Sue Kelly's campaign.
As they sang "Did you ever have to make up your mind?" I smiled. My mind is made up.
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