Night Bird's Fountain Enters blogScreamâ„¢ SyndicationThe Dark Wraith Forums proudly announces that Night Bird's Fountain has entered syndication on the blogScream News Wire service. Beginning with the news cycle for Thursday evening, March 16, 2006, headlines from Night Bird's Fountain will be presented in the regular order of the news stream, along with current headlines from the other blogs in blogScream syndication. A blogScream mini-white screen is now in the sidebar here at Night Bird's Fountain.
blogScream is the proprietary news product created by the Dark Wraith, who serves as the editor and publisher. blogScream delivers blog headlines that are seen each day by more than 5,000 visitors across the 27 blogs now featuring a blogScream news screen. Some of the best blogs in Blogosphere Left 2.0 run one of the six styles of the blogScream news product, and every one of the blogs currently in syndication is of high quality.
The Dark Wraith welcomes the bloggers of Night Bird's Fountain to blogScream.
A script that was already running in the sidebar is adversely interacting in some relatively recent but previous browsers with the blogScream loading frame, so Night Bird's Fountain will have the unique status of being in syndication on the blogScream News Wire Service but will not host a screen. The template has been reverted to the back-up running right before the script introduction last night.
As I noted in an e-mail to Lizzy, in the year that blogScream has been running on Websites, this is only the second time of which I'm aware that such a thing has happened. When Barbi noted in the comments that she was having difficulties, it didn't occur to me at first that an older computer would be especially confounded by a dynamic script running into a conflict with a flat, html-calling script. blogScream uses an IFRAME on client demand to pull content. This is a relatively new trick using a relatively old idea. On its own and with other, compatible scripts, it works flawlessly; however, it creates significant challenges when crossing paths with some types of javascripts. It also increases the probability of a failed load when certain other circumstances are in play.
Although blogScream won't appear here, readers are certainly encouraged to stop by the blogScream New Wire homepage at any time to see all of the latest headlines from syndicated blogs, including headlines from here at Night Bird's Fountain.
And thus with thanks to Barbi in particular for trying to clue me in that something was amiss, this should be the only necessary update on the matter.

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