Wednesday, September 14, 2005

My daughter got her saxophone today...

The Bush Era ended definitively on Sept. 2, the day Bush first toured the Gulf Coast States after Hurricane Katrina. There was no magic moment with a bullhorn. The utter failure of federal relief efforts had by then penetrated the country's consciousness.

The world wept while watching this failure. The world cried while watching the folks of New Orleans begging for help. The world knows now that Bush and his administration are the cause of these failures.

The Bush Administration failed the people of the Gulf Coast and the people of New Orleans but their music lives on.

Dominic remembers New Orleans: "The last two days of our stay were devoted to visiting Louisiana historic sites. Even if I only spent five days in the land of the Cajuns, I discovered that everyone has a little Cajun or Cree or Welsh or Saxon or any other culture in their spirit. The captivating language of the music lifted our spirits and we were carried away momentarily. This unforgettable time filled us with peace and deeper understanding. For some, music is a way to express themselves, for others it's a diversion, but for everyone, it is a treasure."

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