Saturday, October 13, 2007

Al Gore, Man of Peace

Wapo has an article by Peter Baker with a "cooked-up" title. However the article makes an interesting comparison of the paths of Former Vice President Al Gore, Nobel Peace Prize Winner and Bush.

What a difference seven years makes. The winner of that struggle went on to capture the White House and to become a wartime leader now heading toward the final year of a struggling presidency. The loser went on to reinvent himself from cautious politician to hero of the activist left now honored as a man of peace.
The Independent adds:
His [Al Gore] cause is a higher one, the unwilling hero implies, that is better served by the public advocacy his celebrity makes possible, than by political office with its constraints and inevitable compromises. "The range of things we're talking about now will come to seem so small. "This [climate change] is not a political issue but a moral and spiritual challenge."
Al Gore was so right about so many things. This country needs a leader like that, desperately.

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