Monday, September 18, 2006

Shut up, Nancy Grace

CNN's Grace out of line in Duckett case

by Lauren Ritchie, Orlando Sentinel

Shut up, Nancy Grace.

Every time the CNN Headline News host implies that Melinda Duckett is guilty in the disappearance of her son, she grinds the sorrow and the uncertainty deeper into the souls of that late young woman's parents.

By her exaggerated emotion and her accusations -- made without a shred of evidence against the Leesburg mother who killed herself Sept. 8 -- Grace has won for herself a few minutes of extra fame. How nice for her.

But considering that the 47-year-old supposed newswoman is neither a Lake County jury nor God, perhaps she should quit living out her prosecutor fantasies and go quietly back to whatever alternate reality she came from. She needn't worry that anyone who lives a normal existence will forget her despicable behavior.

Grace was far out of line when she flipped out two weeks ago during an interview with Duckett, 21, who had told police Aug. 27 that her son Trenton was snatched from his bed while he slept. Grace began pounding her desk and demanding of Duckett, "Where were you? Why aren't you telling us where you were that day?"

But she really went over the edge after Duckett took her life the day after the taping. Grace began opining that "guilt made Melinda Duckett commit suicide."

In the days that have followed, Grace has sought to explain her behavior by turning public discussion to the question of whether the young mother was behind her 2-year-old son's disappearance.

This is not the issue.

The real issue is Grace's bizarre behavior and why her employer allows her to run wild.

Leesburg police didn't hire CNN to solve the case. Nobody asked Grace to prosecute Melinda Duckett. The nastiness she pulled with Duckett, who shot herself before the interview aired, seems to be just the former prosecutor indulging in histrionics that never would be tolerated in court. [snip]

If you find Grace as vile as I do, then let's show her in the only way she understands. Pick up the remote and turn Nancy Grace off forever.

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