Thursday, September 21, 2006

NY-19 John Hall

From the John Hall Website:

John is challenging Rep. Sue Kelly to a series of five debates before Nov. 7 — one debate in each of the five counties of the 19th Congressional District.

"This year it’s absolutely crucial that voters know exactly where candidates stand on the issues," John said. "So let's bring the issues to the voters, in a series of planned debates around the district."

"There are profound differences between me and Sue Kelly on the issues, so presenting our ideas in open forums and giving the voters a chance to weigh those contrasts for themselves makes a lot of sense,” said John. "For instance, Sue has voted for the Iraq war and continues to support it; I'll work to bring home our troops right away. She's supported Bush's tax cuts for the rich; I think everybody should pay their fair share. She's taken more than $60,000 in campaign contributions from the big oil companies and repeatedly voted to open Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling; I've been fighting for environmental safeguards for over thirty years, and the only way I'd get a check from ExxonMobil would be if they mailed it to me by mistake."

As to when and where the debates should be held in each of the counties, John proposes that the Kelly campaign name the place and the time, and he will be there. Moderators for the debates can come from media organizations and civics groups. Or the debates can even be moderated by college and university students in the district. After all, as John said, "It's their future we’re concerned with."

Daily Kos has a post up about the DCCC snubbing John, but they state:
I've done 15+/- campaigns, and witnessed scores of others, and these guys [Hall Campaign] are the best, hands-down. I've NEVER seen a better-run operation than this. If you're not on the ground here, you are definitely missing this story.
I agree!!

Finally, for any older New Yorkers who are enrolled in the Medicare Part D prescription drug program, tomorrow is the day you have all been dreading. I care about Seniors, here is proof.

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