Karen Carter vs. Bill Jefferson (LA-02)
Recently it was posted on MyDD that Tim Tagaris (Ned Lamont's Web Guru) went down to New Orleans to cover the run-off between Karen Carter and Bill Jefferson. He posted some Local New Orleans Bloggers, which I have put up on the sidebar, because I plan on following what the people have to say. The People matter. It is my hope that the people of New Orleans feel empowered to vote in this race.
The most important thing to remember is that Jefferson is facing some ethics problems. Although he has has not been indicted, he will be investigated for allegations of bribery which include the raid by the FBI at his House office and the report that says he hid $90,000 in his freezer. He has earned himself a name by the local bloggers in New Orleans of Dollar Bill.
A third candidate that lost in the primary was Sen. Sheppard and on Friday he announced that he would be endorsing Jefferson. To me, it becomes very disconcerning when a Senator endorses an incumbent Representative who takes bribes over a Progressive State Representative, "whose social views are shaped by the twenty-first century, not the nineteenth."
Tim writes more:
I'm looking forward to hanging out with a bunch of the local bloggers tomorrow afternoon to get a better understanding of the political landscape in the 2nd, but even my foreign eye recognized two key themes in the LA-2 run-off election: region and "social issues."And he did just that. If you have a chance read it.
Ashley has a good post up which is a reminder to our Government. It is an eye opener.
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