Thursday, October 26, 2006

This 'N That -- Again!

Well, my son called from his dorm tonight. He was part of a HUGE event in Worcester. It was a gathering on behalf of democratic gubernatorial candidate, Duval Patrick. I forgot the name of the venue (a civic center kind of place). BILL CLINTON was the headliner. Ted Kennedy also appeared. It was a packed crowd of 8,000. Matthew said it was electric.

John Kerry was supposed to be among the participants, but he never showed up. Frankly, I was glad. Kerry was HERE in East Hartford stumping for Ned Lamont. Kerry made the right choice. Duval is a shoe-in in Massachusetts.

I hope Kerry's involvement moves Ned's numbers. At this point, it's not looking very promising for Ned. I hate to say it, but I feel like Ned is slipping away. I'm not very optimistic right now. Seems Liarman is about to torture the people of this STATE and this NATION for another six years. Sigh. But I will proudly eat my hat if I am wrong!!

On another note, we buried my MIL last Saturday after a very long (IMO) battle. It was a very exhausting process. My husband and I are finding it a bit odd to not be running here, there, and everywhere. To not being apart so much since my husband isn't virtually over his mom's nightly since the end of June. It's nice, but foreign. It will take some time to heal.

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